Former Prime Minister Imran Khan's Chief of Staff Shehbaz Gill is currently facing an alleged case of inciting rebellion in institutions. Sometimes they are being shifted to jail and sometimes to police station and hospital.

Imran Khan went to Pims Hospital to meet his Chief of Staff where he was not allowed to visit.
Shahbaz Gill was former Prime Minister Imran Khan's Special Assistant on Political Relations.

When Shahbaz Gill was arrested on August 9, the senior leadership of PTI did not come to meet him for the next two days and even no party leader or worker came to provide him with clothes, food etc.

Although later due to pressure from party workers and media other leaders came to meet him and on Friday Imran Khan also went to meet him at Pims Hospital where he was not allowed but it took him 10 days to do so.

Shahbaz Gill also saw rise before the difficult time and he held important positions in the government formed after 2018 without any political struggle.

However, he did not come into politics by contesting elections but held important positions while being close to Imran Khan.

Who are the politicians without constituency?

Shahbaz Gill has been the Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Political Relations and also the Special Assistant on Information to Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar.

Shahbaz Gill is not alone among those enjoying high office without any constituency but his party's Zulfi Bukhari, Shehzad Akbar and Razzaq Dawood along with PML-N's Pervaiz Rasheed, Mushahidullah Khan, Mossadegh Malik, Irfan Siddiqui, Atta. Tarar, Pakistan Peoples Party's Naheed Khan, Rehman Malik, Sherry Rehman and Qayyum Soomro are politicians who got ministries and important posts in their respective times without contesting elections.

All these people moved ahead leaving behind many big political workers in their respective parties and gained the trust of the leadership and reached important positions.

Close to the political leadership but far from the party and the people?

According to political experts, ministers and advisers without constituencies get close to the political leadership due to their abilities, but they cannot get close to their own party. For this reason, when difficulties come upon them, they are left alone.

According to Dr. Rasool Bakhsh Rais, an expert in political affairs, such people do not even have the mandate of the party and do not get political training. This is the reason why such people commit big political mistakes and harm themselves and their party.

He said that such people do not understand politics but confidently claim that they know everything. That is why they speak what comes into their mouths. If they are angry, they speak in anger. While political workers speak, they think about many aspects of it and often write it down.'

According to Dr. Rasool Bakhsh Rais, there is a difference between those who enjoy power by picking up someone's briefcase and those who do politics of the constituency, and those who do the politics of the constituency do not do such things.

On the other hand, while talking to Urdu News, senior journalist and political analyst of Lahore, Salman Ghani, says that non-political people only keep leadership in front. They speak what the leadership likes and even go out of the crease and play for it.

He said that "Unfortunately, their leadership is stronger than political parties in Pakistan." Therefore, every political leadership has room for loyalists of the Shah more than the Shah.

According to Salman Ghani, the party does not even stand with such people in difficult times because these thieves have entered politics through the door.

He further said that the work that the political leadership can take from such people, it cannot take from the members of the assembly and other ministers. The non-chosen people seek the proximity of leadership for their survival.

He was asked whether non-political people are more oppressed. So he said that it is not like that but politicians without any constituency sometimes face such sufferings but mostly they stay in the advantage and they enjoy the proximity and benefits of political leadership without sacrificing anything.