In Lahore, the capital of Pakistan's Punjab province, the police have registered a case against Shahbaz Gul, the chief of staff of Tehreek-e-Insaaf, for inciting rebellion. This case has been registered at the Manga Mandi police station in Lahore on the request of a citizen.

Sedition case against Shehbaz Gul in Lahore

According to the FIR, a citizen, Muhammad Ashfaq, had submitted that when he opened his mobile phone on November 28, he saw Shahbaz Gul addressing a rally in Rawalpindi.

According to the text of the FIR, "In this speech, Shehbaz Gul's words were that how is it possible for him to expose me and Azam Swati without Bajwa Sahib's orders." How is it possible that an officer of the rank of Major General will do anything without his orders.

It is further written in the FIR of this case that Shahbaz Gul misled the people against the Chief of Army Staff with these words. And also seduced against other army officers. Such a statement has spread hatred and enmity, while the statement of the accused is tantamount to inciting the army, navy and air force to mutiny.

Acting on this application, the police have written in this FIR that after reading the application carefully, the text of the application is applicable in this case under Sections 131, 153A, 505 and 500 of the Pakistan Penal Code.

 These provisions deal with incitement to sedition, incitement of public hatred and intimidation.

It should be noted that Tehreek-e-Insaaf is currently in government in Punjab province. When the Lahore Police was contacted about this case, the spokesperson said, "The FIR is the position of the police."

While the spokesperson of the Punjab government, Musrat Cheema, says that only Interior Advisor Umar Cheema can tell the correct facts on this matter. Repeated attempts were made to contact Umar Cheema but he was not available.

It should be remembered that earlier Shehbaz Gul was arrested by Islamabad Police in a similar case in which he is on bail. He had accused of custodial torture.

Despite the Tehreek-e-Insaf government in Punjab, Chairman PTI Imran Khan had also complained about the fact that an FIR was not registered for the attack on himself in Wazirabad. While Tehreek-e-Insaaf has not yet taken an official stand on the registration of this FIR.

Zulfi Bukhari's Alleged Audio Leak, 'It's Tampered and Edited, Should Be Forensic'

An audio of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan's wife Bushra Bibi and Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Zulfi Bukhari is circulating on social media in which they talk about selling watches.

In this short 20-second audio clip that surfaced on Thursday, Bushra Bibi's voice allegedly says, "Khan Sahib has some watches, he has asked me to send them to you, you should sell them somewhere else." '

The first voice adds, 'Because they are not of use to them, they wanted you to put them somewhere.'

The voice on the other side, which allegedly belongs to Zulfi Bukhari, says, "Sure Murshid, I will do it, I will do it."

'Audio should be forensically conducted'

On the other hand, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf leader Zulfi Bukhari has said with reference to his alleged audio leak that 'Once something is tempered, it becomes difficult to tell what is right and what is wrong in it, but I will definitely say this. That it is tempered and edited. This is copy, cut and pasted.

Speaking in the program 'Off the Record' of private news channel ARY News, he said that only forensics can tell if the voice is correct or where it is correct or not. I absolutely want the audio to be forensically conducted.

Zulfi Bukhari said that if something is owned by Imran Khan and I am asked to sell it, then if it is his car, watch or whatever he wants and I sell it, I have no problem accepting it. Is. There is nothing illegal in it, so why should I not accept it?

"If I have not sold anything, then how can I say that I have sold a watch?"

Earlier in a tweet, Zulfi Bukhari wrote that "Earlier it was being said that watches were sold to a person named Umar Zahoor through Farah Gujjar." When the legal notice was sent to them, now the new story has come out that actually this watch was sold through me.

He further wrote that 'I have made it clear that I neither bought nor sold any watch.'

Before Zulfi Bukhari's tweet, an old video of him was shared on social media, in which he talks about selling watches and says, "When it comes to the law, everything has been done according to the law, at which price Tosha Khana 20% of the amount was purchased from gifts. He said that there is nothing wrong in telling the price at which to buy and sell it further.

"It would not have been an issue if Imran Khan's name was not there, since nothing has been found regarding Imran Khan in four years, it is being made an issue." However, this video is not from today but three weeks old. Which was also run by the local media.

It should be noted that a reference was also filed in the Election Commission against Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan for not disclosing the prices of the gifts taken from the Tosha Khana and the means of purchase.

The Election Commission had declared Imran Khan ineligible while giving a decision on the reference.