The Tehreek-e-Insaf government passed around three dozen laws in a joint session of parliament and the opposition could do nothing more than formally protest.

The strategy of political parties is changing with every new issue.
PML-N leaders are confident that Nawaz Sharif can turn the tide.

It can also be said that the opposition, despite its considerable numbers, faced the government's strategy as expected.

It was also mentioned in the previous column that the entire strategy of the opposition depends on the divisions within the government.

When any controversial news comes from the government camp, the opposition lights up. When the government overcomes its differences, the opposition waits in anticipation of another split.

The question is also that in the opposition there are old political parties consisting of experienced and seasoned political leaders, yet it is a news for all of them to come together at one place and on one point.

After the joint session, in the Senate session, they were once again unable to gather their required number and the government was able to pass other laws including NAB from there as well. There is no lack of experience in the opposition, after that only two considerations remain.

One is disappointment and the other is disagreement. One is that there is apathy and disillusionment among the members due to the ongoing confusion in the leadership and the other is that the strategies of the various political parties are changing with every new issue.

Asif Zardari and Shehbaz Sharif want to do opposition, but in moderation. The biggest example of this is the election of the chairman in the Senate. Whichever of these two reasons, the result is that the government continues to receive relief.

Even the relief provided by the government does not seem to be very successful in bringing them lasting confidence. On the one hand, the numerical majority of the government is owed to the Q-League, MQM, BAP and a group of tribal senators. Despite the vote, none of these parties indicated a reduction in their reservations for the government.

Therefore, it is clear that the government cannot claim the confidence of these small parties at any critical juncture. Each time, we will have to rely on internal and external scaffolding in the same way. Therefore, the passage of laws may not determine the numerical strength of the government.

Along with the majority in the House, public opinion also has its importance. With rising prices, weak governance and general instability, public opinion can only be said to be unfavorable to the government.

Unpopularity and instability are one of the reasons why local government elections are carried forward. The question is whether there will be good news for the government in the economic and political field in the coming days. Even the dedicated members of the government may not be able to answer this question in the affirmative.

Our current political structure consists of two four governments and a weak opposition. Therefore, there is no improvement and no change is seen. Sometimes one side scores some points and sometimes the other side makes a comeback.

The question is also whether there will be any turmoil in the political field before the next elections or not?

According to rumors in the capital, it now depends more on the next 'move' of London-based Nawaz Sharif than on Pakistan.

Traditionally, he has kept his cards close to his chest, leaving his own party in a state of uncertainty and indecisiveness.

Even the senior leaders of PML-N seem to be ignorant about this, but despite this ignorance, they are sure that there are leaves in Nawaz Sharif's quiver that can turn the tide. When and how these letters will come out, the answer to when has been coming for months now, and for how they point to London itself.

Now, as if the center of breakthrough in politics is abroad, otherwise light music will continue to play like this.